Sunday, September 9, 2007

It's Chilly Outside

Labor Day signals the end to summer white wardrobe and warm weather alike. The West Coast is usually an exception to that cardinal rule. However, this September evening, I sense a slight chill in the air.

Labor Day weekend was a scorcher; perhaps it was nature's way of ending summer with a bang. I felt guilty for taking summer so for granted, but I also cannot wait to start snuggling under soft blankets--as much as one can in sunny San Diego. For the first time in months, I was able to shut the window to shield out the sounds of Highway 101 without suffocating from heat.

The serene silence, with traces of motorists sailing by my window, is a welcome reprieve from all the chaos the past month has brought. Almost as a precursor to leaves turning colors, change is swirling all around me; I am in the eye of a hurricane, calm but witness to all of its frenzy. I am harking for signs on how to begin the next chapter in my life. I fear if I remain at a standstill, as I am often prone to do, I will look back with regret. Yet, the glacier of uncertainty that encases the future freezes my mind.

One great challenge has been presented before me. I am waiting to hear from another. Am I ready for them? While I don't see myself as a competitive person, I do enjoy winning. Can I handle learning to tread water all over again?

I saw a sign that said "2B", and I thought of Shakespeare's famous quote "To be, or not to be." I think I am ready to be, it is just a matter of which, what, where, whom, and how.

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