Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Re: Separation Anxiety

As the other separated dynamic duo of the Aling Pomii clan, I can empathize (oh my god, i've always wanted to use that word properly, did I use it right?). After reading the Separation Anxiety and uttering an "Awn..." while clutching the heartache that followed (oh wait, that was heartburn from the Brazilian BBQ feast) I had to respond whilst my partner in crime watches a show in another time zone; its name I dare not repeat.

One funny event that occurred and I was not able to convey on the spot:
A: Dude
B: WHat?
A: So, Napoleon tried to get on the plane with my early boarding group because he was paranoid about the lack of overhead space for his luggage.
B: Yeah?
A: Yeah, so when we got to the gate and they were scanning our tickets, he got denied. He tried to pretend we were a couple, and I couldn't help but say, " I'm sorry, I just threw up a little bit in my mouth."

After a full day of intense brainstorming, that was the goal of this business trip, I could not help but feel my brain has been beaten by bad weather. The potential tornado weather looming outside mirrored the whirlwinds in my mind. I have never spent so much time with my boss, who needs to learn the definition of personal space (seriously, do you need to brush up against my bare arm every five seconds?!) Not to mention, I have never been held to such a stringent work schedule in my whole entire life since grade school. It makes me wonder how productive I really am at work, but that is a topic not up for discussion.

We were in such a small prison cell of a conference room that I couldn't even secretly text funny events that transpires nor receive such messages. It was torture, I had to hold my disdain for my boss who is obviously invading my personal space. Chewing gum didn't help. This anxiety wasn't something one could subdue with a patch either; it called for something more drastic. We needed a stand-in for one another. Auditions for Blogy Idol begins next week, un-sexy individuals need not apply.

(Just a side note, Aling Pomii have these gestures that are invoked when certain words are said. While at dinner with co-workers on this business trip my boss kept using one of the words. I twitched each time that occurred. Alas, our many hours of practice has instilled a Pavlovian response. While some may think that's whack, we think it's Exxxcellent....)

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